essay writing website

essay writing website

Your essay lacks only two paragraphs now: the introduction and the conclusion.  These paragraphs will give the reader a point of entry to and a point of exit from your essay.Will your essay be clear to your audience?  Are all of your ideas and terms clear and well defined?  Remember, writing is a form of communication limited to what is on the page.  Your readers cannot ask questions if they do not understand. Take time to explain each point.  Ensure that your reader can understand exactly what you mean.Note.  EL = essay length weight.Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.Mailing address: Essay Contest, Public Relations Division, Lions Clubs International, 300 W. 22nd Street, Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842; fax at 630-571-1685; or e-mail to (the words “Lions Essay Contest” must appear in the Subject Line of the e-mail).5 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.2 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.7 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.6 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.1 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.In the body of the essay, all the preparation up to this point comes to fruition.  The topic you have chosen must now be explained, described, or argued. Each main idea that you wrote down in your diagram or outline will become one of the body paragraphs.  If you had three or four main ideas, you will have three or four body paragraphs.Evaluations of automated essay scoring systems are usually based on single-essay scores.  In these evaluations, the relations between two human rater scores and between a human and an automated score are usually compared. Although this comparison seems natural, it is also problematic in several ways.After reading over all the essay questions, multi-draft writers should briefly outline responses to short answer questions before tackling the long essay first.  Because they usually do not work well under pressure, multi-draft writers should return to short answer questions once they have completed a satisfactory long essay, because the long essay is generally worth a greater amount of points.  Answering the Timed Essay The PLOWER acronym offers a plan of action for writing timed essays.  Each letter of PLOWER corresponds to a specific step in the timed essay process.Submit an autobiographical essay to help the admissions committee learn more about you.  Information about academic interests, personal experiences, extracurricular accomplishments or relationships with teachers, employers, or peers who have influenced your life are especially helpful in getting to know more about you.Directions for completing the essay portion of the Application for Admission to Goshen College • • Respond to the following question in 250 - 500 words.  Type and send your essay to  The essay can be attached as a Word document to the email or pasted in the body of the email.There are three main parts of every essay: 1.  Introduction 2.  Body 3.  Conclusion The introduction tells your reader what your essay is going to be about.  It introduces the topic. If you are writing a short (less than 10 pages) argumentative or persuasive essay, your thesis should be in your introduction.  A thesis is the proposition you are trying to prove or the position you are arguing for in your essay.  The body of your essay is where you give the examples, descriptions, arguments, etc. that support or illustrate your topic or thesis.The conclusion is where you tie together your essay for your readers in a compelling and compressed form.friends, you should have at least 1-2 interesting essay topics.  Consider the following guidelines below.You have now completed all of the paragraphs of your essay.  Before you can consider this a finished product, however, you must give some thought to the formatting of your paper.All Freshman applicants are required to submit a personal essay.  This personal statement helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data.  It will demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself and help us know you better as a person and as a student.  Please write an essay (250-500 words) on a topic of your choice or on one of the options listed below.The introduction and conclusion complete the paragraphs of your essay.  Don't stop just yet!How would you describe your narrative voice?  How you phrase your essay influences how your audience will respond to what they read. Keep your readers’ attention by avoiding the passive voice, jargon, and extra wordiness.Getting a scholarship almost always requires writing a good scholarship essay.  How do you do that?  What is the proven path?  We have found a 3 step process that has been successful for many in the past.  Each step requires some time so you will want to play accordingly.  However, because of the big dollars at stake, it is very rewarding.  Consider it your first high-paying job. Ok so here we go.  Your first step is...Brainstorm Subjects of Interest Once you have determined the purpose of your essay, write down some subjects that interest you.  No matter what the purpose of your essay is, an endless number of topics will be suitable.  If you have trouble thinking of subjects, start by looking around you.  Is there anything in your surroundings that interests you?  Think about your life.  What occupies most of your time?Define Your Purpose The first thing you must do is think about the purpose of the essay you must write.  Is your purpose to persuade people to believe as you do, to explain to people how to complete a particular task, to educate people about some person, place, thing or idea, or something else entirely?  Whatever topic you choose must fit that purpose.official  essay  contest rules & entry for sweets coffee  essay  contest  ...  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut Here.  Retain Essay Contest rules for your records.  Attach your essay NEATLY and SECURELY to the above entry form and then SECURELY attach a Money Order or Certified Check on top of the Essay and mail as specified in the contest rules.Next to each letter, write the facts or information that support that main idea.  3 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.verify your submission online.  ?  If your Faculty Sponsor declines your submission or does not verify your essay by the deadline, it is disqualified. ?  Please work with your Faculty Sponsor on any necessary edits to your essay before you upload and submit online.  ?  Your Faculty Sponsor will be reminded by email in the event your submission is not reviewed near to the deadline, but please check on the status of your submission independently, and work with your sponsor to ensure timely verification.  ?  Faculty members should only endorse thought-provoking, well-written essays that fall within the contest guidelines.of the arguments on both sides.  Take notes on all the facts involved and write down quotes that you’d like to use in your essay.  This is your evidence.?  Thoroughly thought-out, tightly focused ?  Originality and imagination.  ?  Eloquence of writing style.  ?  Intensity and unity in the essay.Do not use I -point, or smaller fonts.  Spacing Double-space your papers.  Although this sheet is a combination of single and double spacing, your essay should be double-spaced-like these lines.In the space under each point, write down some elaboration for that point.  Elaboration can be further description or explanation or discussion.  4 Basic Guide to Essay Writing Created by Kathy Livingston (  All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without the permission of the author.?Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling: Although mechanics such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling are at the bottom of the list of concerns, they are very necessary.  If an essay has great ideas but cannot be understood by readers because of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, then the essay has failed. Be sure to pay close attention to these details in the final drafts of your essay.applicants are tempted to declare what makes them diverse.  However, simply saying you are a black, lesbian female will not impress scholarship officers in the least.  While an essay incorporating this information would probably be your best topic idea, you must finesse the issue by addressing your own personal qualities and how you overcame stigma, dealt with social ostracism, etc. If you are a rich student from Beverly Hills whose father is an engineer and whose mother is a lawyer, but you happen to be a minority, an essay about how you dealt with adversity would be unwise.  You must demonstrate vividly your personal qualities, interests, motivations, etc. Address specifically how your diversity will contribute to the realm of campus opinion, the academic environment, and the larger society.The purpose of an outline or diagram is to put your ideas about the topic on paper, in a moderately organized format. The structure you create here may still change before the essay is complete, so don't agonize over this.  Decide whether you prefer the cut-and-dried structure of an outline or a more flowing structure.  If you start one or the other and decide it isn't working for you, you can always switch later.done to avoid over fitting as much as possible.  Note that the weights chosen are not only suboptimal on the prompt level,; they are not even the best weights at the grade level.  The essay length weight was set to 20%, and since the results in this section are based on correlations, no scaling of scores was performed (since scaling would not change the results).  Table 7 presents the test-retest reliabilities of the automated scores, single human scores, and AH, for each grade and overall.  The table shows that the e-rater score has higher reliabilities than the single human rater (in five out of seven grades) and fairly equivalent reliabilities to the average of two human raters, with overall reliability of .60, higher than that of the AH (.58).The hourglass format is an effective method of organizing research papers and essays.  Your introduction should capture your reader’s attention and touch upon the broad idea or issue your essay will tackle.  You will then transition into your thesis, which is the specific argument you will support throughout your essay.FACULTY SPONSOR: ?  Any interested professor at the student's school may act as a Faculty Sponsor.  ?  Students entering the contest are required to have a Faculty Sponsor review and electronically verify their essay.Revision is a vital part of the writing process.  Many people revise sections as they write, but finishing a complete draft is particularly useful because it gives you, the author, a chance to step back and look at your essay as a whole.  With a finished draft it is clearer whether or not the thesis is successful or the organization is logical.  Make these big considerations your first priority when revising.  When revising your own paper, or helping a classmate, there is an order of concern you should follow.  You will use your time revising more efficiently if you focus on higher order concerns (like your thesis sentence) before focusing on sentence level concerns (such as grammar).Have you selected a topic that describes something of personal importance in your life, with which you can use vivid personal experiences as supporting details?  o Is your topic a gimmick?  That is, do you plan to write your essay in iambic pentameter or make it funny.  You should be very, very careful if you are planning to do this.  We recommend strongly that you do not do this.  Almost always, this is done poorly and is not appreciated by the scholarship committee unless a creative approach is explicitly recommended. Nothing is worse than not laughing or not being amused at something that was written to be funny or amusing.TWO: Your introduction sets the stage for the dramatic performance to follow: the development of your argument in the supporting paragraphs.  Next month, LCF shows you how to build your case with evidence, organize the flow of the essay, keep your reader entertained, and conclude with a grand finale.Topic Has Not Been Assigned If you have not been assigned a topic, then the whole world lies before you.  Sometimes that seems to make the task of starting even more intimidating.  Actually, this means that you are free to choose a topic of interest to you, which will often make your essay a stronger one.Scholarship essays vary dramatically in subject.  However, most of them require a recounting of personal experience.  These tips will be more helpful for writing personal essays, like for the National Merit Scholarship, than for writing academic essays.  The most important aspect of your scholarship essay is the subject matter.  You should expect to devote about 1-2 weeks simply to brainstorming ideas.  To begin brainstorming a subject idea consider the following points.  From brainstorming, you may find a subject you had not considered at first.thesis has to be clear and you have to have a strong argument to back it up. An example of a clear thesis is: “AIDS and cancer kill millions of people annually, and if genetic testing can help save lives, scientists have a moral obligation to use it.” With a clear thesis statement, the rest of your essay will fall into place.If you’ve ever been to the theater to see a movie or a play, then you know how important the first scene is.  If it doesn’t grab your attention and make you excited for what’s going to happen next, then chances are you won’t enjoy the rest of the show.  The same goes for the opening paragraph in a persuasive essay.  This introduction is your only opportunity to make your reader want to sit up and listen to what you have to say, so you have to make it count.Conclusion The conclusion brings closure to the reader, summing up your points or providing a final perspective on your topic. All the conclusion needs is three or four strong sentences which do not need to follow any set formula.  Simply review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly) or briefly describe your feelings about the topic. Even an anecdote can end your essay in a useful way.Essay  Structure and Citation Guidelines - University of California  ...  Miscellaneous If you are referring to lecture material, include the name of the lecturer, the fact that it came from a lecture and the date of the lecture, e.g., (Kelsey, lector.  11/27/01).  In general essays include a “Work Cited” page that gives bibliographic information about the source of the material that you cited in your text.  It is not necessary to attach a Works Cited page to this essay unless you refer to material not assigned in the course readings.  See the ASAP Style Guide handout on the course web site for information on how to format a Work Cited page.?Topic Sentences: Does each paragraph have a topic sentence clearly stating that paragraph’s main idea?  If paragraphs do not have a central point, or if the central point is not stated in a topic sentence, your audience will not understand the purpose of the information they are reading.  If the topic sentences are present, is their relationship to your thesis clear?  ?Support/Evidence: Does each paragraph have evidence or proof supporting the topic sentence?  If a paragraph has a focus but no evidence then the point is not supported—it’s just opinion.  Be sure to support each idea in your essay with specific details.your mother's suicide, your father's kidnapping, or your immigration to America from Asia, you should be careful that your main goal is to address your own personal qualities.  Just because something sad or horrible has happened to you does not mean that you should win a scholarship. You don't want to be remembered as the pathetic applicant.  You want to be remembered as the applicant who showed impressive qualities under difficult circumstances.  It is for this reason that essays relating to this topic are considered among the best. Unless you only use the horrible experience as a lens with which to magnify your own personal characteristics, you will not write a good essay.

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